Who to notify

The Mover’s Directory has a great list of people to consider notifying about your move. Notify businesses at least one month ahead of time.

  • Friends and Family
  • Church
  • Post Office
  • Utility Companies: Home phone, Cell phone, Trash, Cable, Water, Electric, Internet
  • Insurance Companies
  • Banks and Financial Institutions: Checking, Savings, Loans
  • Creditors
  • Government agencies: IRS, DMV
  • Health Providers: Doctors, Dentists, Veterinarians, Pharmacy
  • Schools, Colleges, Universities
  • Subscriptions: Magazines, Newspapers, Book/Wine Club
  • Travel/Auto Club

Planning your move

Here are some resources to help you plan your move:

  1. Week by week moving plan
    This is an excellent plan that breaks down your moving tasks starting two
    months before your move.
  2. Budgeting your move
    This worksheet helps you itemize the expenses of your move so you can get a handle
    on its total cost. It also provides some tips on how to save money on your move.  
  3. Choosing a moving company
    This thorough guide includes the right questions to ask moving companies as well as how to do your research.